He said I was hard workingHe said I was hard workingHe said I was hard working


He said I was hard working

He said I was hard working

八年级(下)英语学案     第23课时【课题】unit 4  he said i was hard-working 。      reading【励志小木屋】two heads are better than one.一个好汉三个帮。 【学习目标】(一)、知识与能力:1. 掌握本课时重点单词及短语。       2.培养学生了解文章大意,先不要注重细节,的阅读策略,同时能够结合上下文理解词义。(二)、过程与办法:通过引导学生反复阅读和pairwork, groupwork掌握阅读策略。(三)、情感态度与价值观:learn to share information with their partners.【学习重难点】掌握阅读策略。一.自主预习:(一)、预习任务:task 1:  把while you read 中6个词填入文章空格。task2:  翻译下列短语:同意某人的决定________________在…两者之间________________使某人开眼界______________________感觉难受/幸运__________________两者都________________起先______________听起来像_______________能够、会_______________海平面以上、海拔_______________毕业后___________________把……派到_____________________task 3: 根据提示完成短文:1. teaching high school students in a poor mountain  village in gansu  province     ______________________________(对你来说可能听上去没有啥意思). however, it __________________(改变生活) yang lei from beijing. the peking university graduate first went there as a volunteer ___________________(在一年计划中). 2. the program was started by the ministry of education and the chinese young pioneers. every year they___ ___________________________________(派100位志愿者到中国的农村地区去任教). 3. h(请记得收藏本站-一路高升范文网,以获取更多新鲜内容)er village was 2,000 meters _____________ (海拔), and at first the thin air_________________(使她觉得不舒服). 4. _________(幸运地是), yang lei’s mother _______________(支持她) . she said that both she and her husband thought this was a good idea. “young people today _________________________________(有必要经历不同的事情)” she said.5. “there is no difference _______________________(你和他们之间),” says yang lei. “they say that ________________________________(我们看起来就像他们的大哥哥大姐姐), and they feel lucky.”  (二)、预习诊断:根据句意和首字母补全单词。   1.they are going to make _______ ___________ _________to provent the disease.2.do you know the ________ __________(……之间的区别)“borrow” and“lend”?3.this thing make him _______ __________his __________.(开了眼界)4.he now _________ ___________(担当)our english teacher.(三)预习置疑: do you have any questions?__________________二、课中实施:   step1: warming-up   step2: lead-in  step3: finish some tasks by reading. step4 精讲点拨:共3页,当前第1页123

He said I was hard working

1.decision是名词。例如:make a decision  做决定。 decide是动词。例如:decide to do sth.  决定做某事。1)we _____ to help the little boy.2)who made the _____ to go fishing? 2.区分on /over /above  “on”在……上”,两者接触,垂直关系。“over”“在……正上方”,两者不接触,垂直关系。“above”“在……上方”,两者不接触,没有垂直关系。1).look! a plane is flying _____ our school. 2).there is a bridge _____ the river. 3).tom often puts his books _____ the deskstep5: 拓展延伸:选词填空   without,   hand,   change,   money,   enough,   teacherin recent times, 6,000 young volunteers went to west china to help to teach. one of them was a university student---xu benyu. when he went to goudiaoyan---a small village in gui zhou, he was moved by the poor children. he thought he should do something for them. so he decided to stay there and to be their           . he went there       __the support(支持) of school and family. so         is the biggest problem to him. but he didn’t give up. even when someone said he was a foolish man, he just smiled and said that he would remember his mother’s words forever: “when someone else are in need, give them a         .” after graduation, he went back to that village and worked as a volunteer teacher for two years. when he was interviewed by cctv, he said everyone’s  ability is not         . if possible, he might have an influence to a lot more people. he said: “i hope we can                 the poor children’s lives.” and that is the greatest happiness of all the volunteers.step6: summary:三、限时作业:(满分10分).                  得分_______1、my uncle said he___________ (come) in two days.2. both jane and linda ________(be ) good at music.3.the report card made me ___________(feel) terrible.4.she is at her house ___________(work) on a homework project.5.lana said she ____________(can) speak three languages.6.she told me that the earth ___________(go) round the sun.7.tom asked me,” why did you tell him the story?”(同义句)    tom asked me_________ __________ __________ him the story.共3页,当前第2页123

He said I was hard working

8.she said to me ,” don’t copy my homework.”(同义句)she ________ ________ _________ _________ _________ __________ homework.

homework  1.lana said to us, “ i’m happy to see you again.”   lana _________ us __________ __________ happy to see __________ again.2. “you are like big brothers or sisters to us.” they said to us.   they said to us _________ _________ like big brothers or sisters to __________.3. “can i copy your homework?” he asked me.   he asked me _________ _________ _________ copy _________ homework.4. mary asked ann, “ why are you so excited?”   mary asked ann ________ ________ _________ so excited.   【学后反思】____________________________________________________



He said I was hard working
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